What Web Server Is This Site Running On


Have you ever wondered what web server is powering a particular website? Perhaps you’re curious about the technology behind your favorite online store or blog. In this article, we will explore the various web server options available in 2023 and how you can determine the web server software used by any website.

The Importance of Web Servers

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s first understand the significance of web servers. A web server is a software application that handles the delivery of web pages from the server to the client’s web browser. It acts as a mediator, processing requests and responding with the requested content. Without web servers, websites would not be accessible to users.

Apache HTTP Server

One of the most popular web servers in use today is the Apache HTTP Server. Known for its stability, flexibility, and extensive module support, Apache has been the go-to choice for many website owners. It is an open-source server software that can run on various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS.


Another widely used web server is NGINX. It has gained popularity for its high performance, scalability, and ability to handle a large number of concurrent connections. NGINX is often chosen for websites with high traffic volumes, and it also functions as a reverse proxy server and load balancer.

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

If you come across a website running on a Windows server, it is likely powered by Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS is a web server software developed by Microsoft and is specifically designed to work with Windows operating systems. It offers seamless integration with other Microsoft technologies, making it a preferred choice for organizations using Windows-based infrastructure.

LiteSpeed Web Server

LiteSpeed Web Server is a relatively newer player in the web server market but has gained traction due to its impressive performance and efficiency. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Apache, offering compatibility with Apache configurations while delivering superior speed and resource utilization.

Identifying the Web Server

Now that we have discussed some of the popular web server options, you might be wondering how to determine the web server software used by a specific website. There are a few methods you can employ:

1. Server Response Headers

When your browser sends a request to a web server, the server responds with a set of headers containing information about the response. One of these headers is the “Server” header, which typically reveals the web server software being used. You can inspect this header using various browser developer tools or online header checking tools.

2. Online Tools

Several online tools are available that can analyze a website and provide information about its web server. These tools often display the server software prominently, along with other details like hosting provider, IP address, and more.

3. Fingerprinting Techniques

Fingerprinting is a method of identifying a web server by analyzing its unique characteristics and behavior patterns. This can involve examining the server’s response to specific requests or analyzing the HTML and JavaScript code returned by the server. While more advanced, this technique may provide more accurate results.


Knowing the web server software running a particular site can provide valuable insights into its technology stack and infrastructure. Whether it’s the tried and tested Apache, the high-performance NGINX, the Windows-compatible IIS, or the efficient LiteSpeed, each web server has its strengths and is suited for different use cases. By using the methods mentioned, you can uncover the web server behind any website and gain a deeper understanding of its underlying technology.


1. Apache HTTP Server: https://httpd.apache.org/

2. NGINX: https://www.nginx.com/

3. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS): https://www.iis.net/

4. LiteSpeed Web Server: https://www.litespeedtech.com/