If Condition In Loadrunner

Understanding the Importance of If Conditions

LoadRunner is a popular performance testing tool used by developers to simulate real-life scenarios and measure the performance of their applications. It allows testers to create scripts that mimic user interactions with the application, helping them identify any potential bottlenecks or performance issues. In LoadRunner, if conditions play a crucial role in controlling the flow of the script and making it more dynamic.

What is an If Condition?

An if condition is a programming construct that allows developers to execute a block of code only if a certain condition is met. It evaluates a given expression and takes action based on the result. In LoadRunner, if conditions are used to make decisions within the script, enabling testers to handle different scenarios and responses from the application under test.

Syntax of If Condition in LoadRunner

In LoadRunner, the syntax of an if condition is as follows:

if (condition) {

     // Code to be executed if the condition is true


The condition can be any expression that evaluates to either true or false. If the condition is true, the code within the if block is executed; otherwise, it is skipped, and the script continues to the next line.

Using If Conditions for Dynamic Scripting

If conditions are particularly useful in LoadRunner when dealing with dynamic scenarios. For example, consider a script that logs in to an application and performs various actions based on the user’s role. By using if conditions, you can handle different user roles and execute specific actions accordingly.

Let’s say you have a web application where administrators and regular users have different privileges. With if conditions, you can check the user’s role after logging in and perform actions specific to each role. For instance:














if (web_reg_find("Text=Welcome, Admin"))


     // Code for admin actions


else if (web_reg_find("Text=Welcome, User"))


     // Code for regular user actions


In the above example, after logging in, the script checks if the “Welcome, Admin” text is found on the page. If it is true, the code within the first if block executes, performing admin-specific actions. If not, it moves to the next if condition, checking for “Welcome, User” and executing the corresponding code block if found.

Handling Error Conditions

If conditions are also valuable when it comes to handling error conditions. LoadRunner allows you to define custom error handling logic based on the responses received from the server. By using if conditions, you can analyze the response and take appropriate actions accordingly.

For instance, let’s say you have a script that submits a form and expects a specific success message. If the success message is not found, you can use an if condition to handle the error scenario:












if (!web_reg_find("Text=Success"))


     // Code to handle error condition


The above code submits a form and checks if the “Success” text is found in the response. If it is not found (indicated by the negation operator “!”), the script executes the code within the if block, handling the error condition appropriately.


If conditions are a powerful feature in LoadRunner that allows testers to create dynamic scripts and handle different scenarios effectively. By leveraging if conditions, you can control the flow of your script, perform actions based on specific conditions, and handle error scenarios intelligently. Understanding and utilizing if conditions in LoadRunner can significantly enhance your performance testing efforts and ensure the reliability and efficiency of your applications.