How To Deploy Web Service On Websphere Application Server


In this article, we will explore the process of deploying a web service on the Websphere Application Server. Websphere is a popular Java-based application server that provides a robust and scalable platform for hosting web applications. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will be able to successfully deploy your web service on Websphere and make it accessible to clients.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A running instance of Websphere Application Server
  • A web service project developed using Java
  • The necessary configuration files for your web service

Step 1: Package Your Web Service

The first step is to package your web service project into a deployable format. Typically, this involves creating a WAR (Web Application Archive) file that contains all the necessary files and dependencies for your web service. You can use tools like Apache Maven or Gradle to automate this process.

Step 2: Access Websphere Administration Console

Once you have your WAR file ready, access the Websphere Administration Console. This console provides a web-based interface for managing your Websphere server. You can usually access it by opening a web browser and navigating to the URL provided by your Websphere installation.

Step 3: Navigate to Applications

After accessing the Websphere Administration Console, navigate to the “Applications” section. Here, you will find a list of all the deployed applications on your Websphere server.

Step 4: Install New Application

To deploy your web service, click on the “Install” button to start the installation process. You will be prompted to provide the location of your WAR file. Browse to the directory where your WAR file is located and select it.

Step 5: Select Deployment Target

After selecting your WAR file, you will be prompted to choose the deployment target for your web service. This can be a specific server or cluster within your Websphere environment. Select the appropriate target and click “Next” to proceed.

Step 6: Specify Application Settings

In this step, you can specify various settings for your web service application. These settings include the context root, virtual host, and class loading options. Review and configure these settings according to your requirements.

Step 7: Map Modules to Servers

If your web service application consists of multiple modules, you will need to map each module to a specific server or cluster. This ensures that the modules are deployed and managed correctly within your Websphere environment. Click on the “Map Modules to Servers” button and follow the instructions to complete this step.

Step 8: Save Configuration Changes

After completing the previous steps, review your configuration settings and click “Save” to apply the changes. Websphere will now deploy your web service application and make it available for use.

Step 9: Test Your Web Service

Once the deployment process is complete, it’s important to test your web service to ensure it is functioning correctly. You can use tools like SOAPUI or Postman to send requests to your web service and verify the responses. Make sure to test various scenarios to ensure the reliability and stability of your web service.

Step 10: Monitor and Manage

After successfully deploying your web service, it’s essential to monitor and manage its performance. Websphere provides various monitoring and management tools that allow you to track the usage, response times, and resource utilization of your web service. Regularly monitor these metrics and make any necessary optimizations to ensure optimal performance.


Deploying a web service on Websphere Application Server is a straightforward process that involves packaging your web service project, accessing the Websphere Administration Console, and following the installation steps. By carefully configuring and testing your web service, you can ensure its successful deployment and provide reliable access to clients.


1. IBM Knowledge Center – Deploying web services on Websphere

2. SoapUI – API testing tool

3. Postman – API development and testing tool