How To Deploy Java Web Application On Iis Server


Deploying a Java web application on an IIS (Internet Information Services) server can be a complex task, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process. However, with the right guidance and understanding, you can successfully deploy your Java web application on an IIS server and make it accessible to users.

Step 1: Install IIS

The first step is to ensure that IIS is installed on your server. You can download and install IIS from the Microsoft website or through the Windows Server Manager. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Step 2: Configure IIS

Once IIS is installed, you need to configure it to support Java applications. Open the IIS Manager and navigate to the server node. Double-click on the “ISAPI and CGI Restrictions” option and add a new restriction for Java. Specify the path to your Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and set the restriction to “Allowed”. This will enable IIS to execute Java applications.

Step 3: Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Before deploying your Java web application, ensure that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on your server. Download the latest version of JRE from the Oracle website and follow the installation instructions. Make sure to set the PATH environment variable to include the JRE location.

Step 4: Prepare your Java Web Application

Prior to deployment, you need to package your Java web application into a deployable format. This typically involves creating a WAR (Web ARchive) file that contains all the necessary files and directories required for your application to run. You can use build tools like Apache Maven or Gradle to automate this process.

Step 5: Deploy the Java Web Application

Now that you have prepared your Java web application, it’s time to deploy it on the IIS server. Open the IIS Manager and navigate to the “Sites” node. Right-click on the site where you want to deploy your application and select “Add Application”. Specify a name for your application and the physical path to the WAR file. Click “OK” to complete the deployment process.

Step 6: Configure the Application Pool

After deploying the Java web application, you need to configure the application pool to ensure optimal performance. Open the IIS Manager and navigate to the “Application Pools” node. Right-click on the application pool associated with your application and select “Advanced Settings”. Adjust the settings according to your application’s requirements, such as the maximum number of worker processes and recycling options.

Step 7: Test the Deployment

Once the deployment and configuration are complete, it’s crucial to test your Java web application to ensure it is running correctly. Open a web browser and enter the URL of your application. If everything is set up correctly, you should be able to access your application without any issues. If you encounter any errors, review the logs and troubleshoot accordingly.


Deploying a Java web application on an IIS server may seem daunting at first, but by following these steps, you can successfully deploy and run your application. Remember to install and configure IIS, prepare your application, deploy it, and test its functionality. With proper configuration and testing, your Java web application will be up and running on the IIS server, ready to serve users.