Arduino Ethernet Web Server Button

Arduino Ethernet Web Server Button


In this article, we will explore how to create an Arduino Ethernet web server button. The Arduino is a popular microcontroller board that allows you to control electronic components and devices. With the addition of an Ethernet shield, you can create a web server that can be accessed remotely. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for home automation, remote control, and monitoring.

Setting up the Arduino Ethernet Web Server

To create an Arduino Ethernet web server button, you will need an Arduino board, an Ethernet shield, and some basic knowledge of Arduino programming. Start by connecting the Ethernet shield to your Arduino board, making sure to properly align the pins. Next, connect an Ethernet cable to the shield and your router or modem.

Installing the Required Libraries

Before you can start programming, you need to install the necessary libraries. Open the Arduino IDE and go to “Sketch”> “Include Library”> “Manage Libraries.” Search for “Ethernet” and install the library by the Arduino team. This library provides the necessary functions to communicate with the Ethernet shield.

Writing the Code

Now it’s time to write the code for the web server button. Define the necessary variables, including the pin number for the button and the IP address for the Arduino. In the setup function, initialize the Ethernet connection and the button pin as an input. In the loop function, check if the button is pressed, and if it is, send a response to the client.

Testing the Arduino Ethernet Web Server Button

Once you have written the code, upload it to your Arduino board. Open the Serial Monitor to view the IP address assigned to your Arduino by the router. Enter this IP address in a web browser on any device connected to the same network. You should see a simple web page with a button. When you click the button, the Arduino will respond and you will see a message on the web page.

Expanding the Functionality

Now that you have a basic Arduino Ethernet web server button working, you can expand its functionality. For example, you can add more buttons to control different devices or sensors. You can also integrate the web server with other systems, such as a home automation platform or a mobile app.

Securing the Web Server

If you plan to access your Arduino web server from the internet, it is important to secure it. Use HTTPS instead of plain HTTP to encrypt the communication. You can also add authentication to restrict access only to authorized users. Additionally, consider implementing firewall rules on your router to block unauthorized access attempts.

Monitoring and Logging

Another useful feature to add is monitoring and logging. You can keep track of button presses, sensor readings, or any other relevant data. Store this information in a database or log file for later analysis. With the right setup, you can even receive real-time notifications or alerts when certain events occur.


The Arduino Ethernet web server button opens up a world of possibilities for remote control and automation. By combining the power of the Arduino with the accessibility of a web server, you can create innovative projects that interact with the physical world. Whether you want to control your home appliances, monitor environmental conditions, or build a custom IoT solution, the Arduino Ethernet web server button is a great starting point.


1. Arduino Official Website –

2. Arduino Ethernet Library –